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Does It Cost Money To File A Restraining Order Wisconsin : Useful Links


Petitions for Temporary Restraining Orders can be electronically filed for the class codes


Once you file a TRO petition, the court decides whether or not to issue a TRO ...


Q. 12. Will it cost money to get a restraining order? It is free to file a petition for a domestic abuse restraining order. The court ...


For non-moving traffic violations, the clerk's fee is imposed. The only surcharges ... claim for money judgment greater than $10,000, 814.61(1)(a). $265.50 e


What types of Restraining Orders are available and what is the cost to file? Harassment [Wisconsin Statute: 813.125]: $164.50 plus service fees (Unless conduct ...


Does it cost anything to register my protection order? What if I don't register my ...


Cost for filing a harassment order if $164.50 ($124.50 for filing, $40 to serve). PETITIONER CAN ASK THE COURT FOR THE RESPONDENT TO PAY.

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