Is there a script for exporting the object tracker coordinates for each frame to a text file (so that it can be used in another program)? I know that ...
And the export options for Mocha on the website suggest exporting it to Motion, After Effects etc., but not as text file. I run the files through scripts in ...
In Motion, use the Export File destination to export high-quality source media files and export for playback on Apple devices.
Is there a way to export the paths of multiple motion tracking markers to a csv or other text file? (I found this script but it seems to only work if the ...
For example, when you convert a standard Motion project to a Final Cut Transition template, you must identify the two layers that will be used as the Transition A ...
You can then paste them into a plain text file.
provides the simple functionality to export the acquired data in simple csv-files.
My ultimate goal is to extract the data from one particular marker (XYZ coordinates) and export that data to a txt file so that I may edit it later). I have integrated ...
Export tracking data to raw x-y-coordinates in mocha Pro
Run Script File... and navigate to the .jsx file exported from Earth Studio.