Did the Barack Obama administration ditch FBI material used to train counterterrorism
Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence
The Obama administration said Thursday it was ending a dormant program that once was used to track mostly Arab and Muslim men.
“We've heard from local law enforcement that the Justice Department has issued a memo that forced the FBI NICS background check database to ...
The question won't go away: Did President Obama and administration
FACT CHECK: Asylum Seekers Regularly Attend Immigration Court Hearings
In reality, the connections between Trump campaign associates and individuals ... It is also well documented that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered computer
Department of Homeland Security will tear down Nseers, in an attempt to place a roadblock in
President Obama faced criticism over his administration's handling of immigration ... Carefully calibrated revisions to Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The White House quietly ordered a widespread review of