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File A Restraining Order On A Vulnerable Adult : Useful Links


Court Forms: Vulnerable Adult Protection Order. To download these forms, right click the mouse and choose "Save Target As" (for Mozilla/Firefox choose "Save ...


Vulnerable Adult Protection Orders. A vulnerable adult protection order is a civil court order that provides protection for a vulnerable adult who is a ...


Protection of vulnerable adults—Petition for protective order. An action known as a petition for an order for protection of a vulnerable adult in cases of ...


The Self-Service Protection Order Forms are available below. No email submissions for Protection


a protection order and being granted a hearing, the person filing must appear and be ...


A person who simultaneously files a petition for determination of incapacity and


Washington State law allows for a person to file a civil case in court, asking a


You and the Respondent have a pending case in Superior Court; You are seeking an order for a vulnerable adult. If none of the above apply, file in District Court.

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