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File Restraining Order In Ohio : Useful Links


There are two kinds of protection orders in Ohio. A temporary ex parte protection order can be granted the same day you file your petition in ...


You also cannot be charged anything to have the order served by law enforcement, to request a witness


In Ohio, a civil or criminal protection order is a court order directing a person to do or


For a CPO, the accused must be your current or former spouse, someone whom you have a child with, someone you are dating or used to date, or ...


DIFFICULTY: Legal assistance is required · Initial Filing Fee: $0 · Step 1: Decide What Type of Order You Need · Step 2: Fill Out the Forms · Step 3: ...


Police Departments in the State of Ohio do not have the authority to issue restraining orders, or protection orders. Police will enforce orders issued by the court ...


To get a restraining order in Ohio, begin by contacting Ohio Legal Help for their domestic violence forms, seeking guidance from the Ohio ...

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