In order to concatenate these tables, we must make the mismatching variable subjid of the same type in both data tables, either Character or ...
to maintain a running count or sum of a variable in a datastep, RETAIN is our best ...
I've a question about using RETAIN to reorder the variable order in a
In order to run your licensed software, you must apply the SAS installation data file (SID file) to renew your software.
Otherwise, you could include more datasets into the first SET statement (which is never executed due to the IF condition). Edit: This was also ...
to delete these files, outside of the SAS System, in order to regain disk space.
In order to accomplish that, the macro variable list must be generated at execution time.
If you list just one variable, then SAS will sort the observations in the dataset based on
In order to ensure consistency between the data sets you're appending its necessary
SAS catalogs are special SAS files that store many different kinds of information in