When delivering files to the handover, you should always give your client a file that is editable.
Often, there is no explicit assignment in a freelance graphic design contract.
I will take your ideas and work non-stop to deliver the highest quality, 100%
Design source files are the files a designer uses to create designs
In this post I'll be outlining all of the professional logo files for clients so you'll
I have heard of clients demanding source files from designers and then
Once a logo has been designed it's important that the designer prepares a package of logo files for web & print.
You can also update a logo design with the file. So, when you hire a freelance graphic designer, insist that you need the work submitted to you ...
Episode #38: 3 Reasons to Charge for Native Design Files. June 9, 2019 Business/Career, Graphic Design, Pricing, Print Design. Native files ...
But these are common misconceptions that both graphic designers and