If you want to tell your side of the story, file an answer BEFORE your court date.
My girlfriend and i were talking about moving in together after high school
If you want to tell your side of the story, file a response BEFORE your court date.
Try to talk to an advocate or lawyer before the hearing to help you prepare.
While I was talking to her and trying to comfort her on the phone, the phone call was cut off without us saying goodbye. I tried to call back few ...
More on Getting an order of protection for domestic violence
The person who abused you is: 1) your husband, wife or domestic partner; or 2) your
Your DCF worker may tell you to get a 209A protective order ("restraining
You do not need to start a divorce to get an OFP against your husband or wife.
Usually TROs are issued based only upon your side of the story and can be