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Git Commit Tracked Files Only : Useful Links


Ideally your .gitignore should prevent the untracked ( and ignored )files from being shown in status, added using git add etc. So I would ask you ...


Adding only tracked files to index with git add -u and ignoring untracked files for next commit.


'git commit -a' means commit all files which tracked and modified. Try 'git add selected/file/path' then 'git commit -m "commit message"'.


Your .gitignore should prevent the untracked files from being shown in status, So I would ask you to correct your .gitignore. To stage and modify ...


It only adds the content of the specified file(s) at the time the add command is run ... Apply the "clean" process freshly to all tracked files to forcibly add them again ...


Basically, we want to ignore new files or folders i.e. un-tracked files. Command to skip new files / folders while adding other files to git.


By default, git stash will stash only modified and staged tracked files.


all of your files will be tracked and unmodified because Git just checked them out and

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