If you cannot git rm a tracked file because other people might need it
Finally, the command tells you which branch you're on and informs you that it
Commit. git commit -m 'removed all and added with git ignore' ...
Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from ...
Tracked files are the ones that have been added and committed and git knows about.
Clear your cache easily on Git using the git rm command with the cached option. Clear your Git cache can help for your gitignore file.
Use gitignore, git update-index, and repo management to ignore and exclude
Note: This command will not delete a physical file in local it will delete
So what Git on their machines is going to do is to happily delete the folder in their ...
Let's say you have already added/committed some files to your git repository and you then add them to your .gitignore; these files will still be ...