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Git Files To Track In Intellij : Useful Links


How to enable git auto adding files Follow. Avatar. Hast4656. Created April 17, 2014 09:31. I can't find this feature in preferences. In my previous projects newly  ...


... Git repository, or put an existing project under Git version control, IntelliJ IDEA automatically detects if Git is installed on your computer. If the IDE can't locate a ...


For distributed version control systems, such as Git and Mercurial, you can view project history in the Log


With DataGrip's inheritance from IntelliJ IDEA, we have the ability to use Git to


We don't use --follow (because of its buggy nature): instead we call git show -M on the last commit and check if the file has been renamed in ...


Continuing our series on how2pro with IntelliJ IDEA, today we'd like to tell you more


I'm having a tracked file in git but now I don't want to track it anymore (I don't want it to show up from the next commit but I still want to have it ...


HiIs it necessary for the .git folder to be in the same folder group as the files it is tracking or can it be in a remote folder? I'd...

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