If the file type is not set to the Git LFS filter, then the larger files can't be downloaded automatically on checkouts. One workaround is having Git ...
During normal usage, you'll never see these pointer files as they are handled automatically by Git LFS: When you add a file to your repository, Git LFS replaces ...
It was at this time that I learned that git and Github have file size limits of
[filter "textlfs"] clean = sed $'s/$/\\r/' %f | git-lfs clean smudge = git-lfs
git lfs install # initialize the Git LFS project git lfs track "*.iso" # select the file
Navigate to your Git repository, and issue a git lfs track command. For example, if you want Git LFS to automatically handle all .mat files in your
Git LFS (Large File Storage), an open-source Git extension, will help
it will automatically check if you need a specific version of such a big file and get it for
However, the local configuration file ( .git/config ) can't be tracked and hence, uploaded to a remote
your data needs this next could be a killer: Git LFS lets you store files up to 2 GB in size .