To stop tracking a file you need to remove it from the index. This can be achieved
with this command. git rm --cached
To stop tracking a file you need to remove the file from index. For removing a file
from the index: git rm --cached
Just calling git rm --cached on each of the files you want to remove from revision control should be fine. As long as your local ignore patterns ...
There are 3 options to resolve I think for the question 3 options are required. Option1: To keep the local file for you, but delete for everyone once ...
Git “remove” FAQ: How do I tell Git not to track a file (or files) any more?
Once we put the file back (i.e. recreate the launch.json) Git will start tracking it again. We not only need to delete the files, we also need to remove ...
Selecting Ignore and Stop Tracking will add the corresponding entry to the . gitignore file and remove the file from the git index, so git stops tracking it.
I wanted git to stop tracking those files but still wanted to keep them in my
Add all the files, individually or in a folder, that you want to remove
Once we put the file back (i.e. recreate the launch.json) Git will start tracking it again. We not only need to delete the files, we also need to remove ...