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Git Stop Tracking File That Is Being Tracked : Useful Links


.gitignore will prevent untracked files from being added (without an add -f ) to the set of files tracked by git, however git will continue to track any ...


There is a file that was being tracked by git, but now the file is on the .gitignore list .


I don't need/like my local csproj files being tracked by Git (or being brought up when creating a patch), but clearly they are needed in the project. I ...


There are 3 options to resolve I think for the question 3 options are required. Option1: To keep the local file for you, but delete for everyone once ...


To be clear, what this command means is: You want to keep these files on your hard drive, but you don't want Git to track them any more. (I ...


a class of files that you don't want Git to automatically add or even show you as being


gitignore file, but the changes will not be ignored, because the file is already being tracked by git. Selecting Ignore and Stop Tracking will add the corresponding ...


gitignore will prevent untracked files from being added to the set of files tracked by Git, however, Git will continue to track ...


by Git remain untracked. To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached.

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