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Git Track File But Ignore Changes : Useful Links


git has a different solution to do this. First change the file you do not want to be tracked and use the following command: git update-index ...


push file and changed .gitignore. re-add parameters file to .gitignore and push. remove all tracked files with git rm --cached ...


ignore all .a files *.a # but do track lib.a, even though you're ignoring .a files ...


Sure, I do exactly this from time to time using git update-index --assume- unchanged [ ...] To undo and start tracking again (if you forgot what files were ...


Or put otherwise, don't track changes for a specific file. Obviously


Execute git rm --cached put/here/your/file.ext for each file or git rm --cached folder /\* if they are in a folder.


Prepending an exclamation mark to a pattern negates it. If a file matches a pattern, but also matches a negating pattern defined later in the file, it will not be ignored ...


gitignore works great, but at the end of the day it is still a file who's changes must then be committed & pushed to the remote repository. Okay, so you could ...

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