do next? You file a petition for an Order of Protection in court. There is no cost.
File a Petition for Protection from Domestic Violence, or form CC-DC-DV-001.
You should allow at least two hours to complete your paperwork and file it with the court. How long does a Preliminary Protective Order last? If the judge gives you ...
what happened that led you to file the Petition.
Generally speaking, there is no deadline to file for a restraining order. If you feel your safety is in danger, contact law enforcement immediately.
You might be able to get help applying for a protective order. If you want to ask
In order to be eligible for a protective order, you must have been, within a reasonable ...
You must go to court on the hearing date and tell the judge why you are afraid and what
Instructions & Forms you can use to file a protective order.
Once you have filled out all your forms, you have to file them with the court.