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How Soon Should U File A Protection Order : Useful Links


You should include information about times when the respondent abused you. If there have ...


What to Expect When Filing for a Protection Order. Indiana has an online system to petition for protection orders, which means that you can seek assistance in the  ...


The clerk will mail you a notice that says when you must go back to court to ask the ...


Because it is a civil order, you can file this type of order even if the police have never been called or


If you do not appear, the judge will likely dismiss the protection order. If the judge sets a hearing,


In this hearing, the abuser will have a chance to defend him/herself. A permanent restraining order lasts up to two years. You can ask the court to ...


Even if they cannot help you with the restraining order forms, they can help you with the child


To file most types of restraining, or protection, orders, you will go to a family court located in the county where you live, where the person who hurt ...


After having a court hearing, a judge can grant you a “restraining order after hearing” that can last up to five years. However, if there is no ...

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