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How To File A Restraining Order Against My Ex Girlfriend : Useful Links


You cannot get an order of protection, but perhaps you can file a petition for a no stalking/no contact order. Another option is to file a petition ...


Go to the police. Show the the messages and explain your fear. They will direct you as to how to get a restraining order and whether or not they ...


Note: If you are asking for exclusion as part of a temporary ex parte order, the judge can


If you lie about your reasons for getting a restraining order against your ex, you could be the one who it hurts. Your partner can dispute the order.


Yes, you can get a protection order for the child. More importantly, go to court (if you haven't filed a divorce, do so immediately) to either establish ...


But sometimes abusive people are able to get protective orders against the people they abused. If you try to get a restraining order and the person who abused ...


You need an adult who is at least 25 years old to file for an OFP on your behalf. But if you are 16 or 17, you can file a petition on your own if it is against your ...


what can I do to help my girlfriend her ex husband is slapping her around and hitting her.


OR; Any court has decided that 1 parent committed domestic violence against

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