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How To Not Track Deleted Files Git : Useful Links


In the newer versions of git, those files are automatically untracked with git add -- update .


Git “remove” FAQ: How do I tell Git not to track a file (or files) any more?


20 Answers · 58 No, this will remove the file from tracking, preserve it locally, but cause it to be deleted for anyone who pulls. · 1 In my case, I ...


1 Answer · To stop tracking a file you need to remove the file from index. · For removing a file from the index: · Note: This command will not delete a ...


Delete the files from the repository git clean -f ... You can then check if your files are really gone with git status .


As long as you've committed your work in Git, actually losing a file should be quite rare. Short of deleting the entire repository directory (and not having a remote) ...


Put any files in the Unversioned Files changelist under version control by


requireForce is not set to false, git clean will refuse to delete files or directories ...


Don't be afraid to delete files from your git repository. You can get restorethem. You can even search for a string in a deleted file. Here is how t...


There is no reason to leave trailing whitespace characters in your project's files, so don't add any. A git diff --check will tell you if there are any and you should not  ...

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