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How To Read A File In Reverse Order In Cobol : Useful Links


You can read backwards. for eg. If organization is Indexed, you can use the following method. intialize key-1. start file1 key > key- ...


I do not believe there is a standard method for doing this in COBOL. However, if the file contains fixed length records you might try processing it ...


Mainframe Interview Questions: I need to read a file in reverse order i.e from last to first in cobol but not using jcl, sort or...


In standard COBOL you can neither read a line-sequential file backward nor can you update it. In Micro Focus COBOL, you can use byte-stream ...


open input file1 reversed output file2 perform read-file1 perform until eof-file1 ...


How to Read a VSAM file from last record to first · Simply MOVE HIGH-VALUES to the RIDFLD. · Do a Start Browse first. Then issue a READPREV ...


There are two ways to read the sequential file in reverse order 1. Using FileAid // STEP0100 EXEC PGM=FILEAID //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* ...


Being a flat file, we cant be sure that it will have a unique key field. So, External to the cobol program , using SORT utility, we can add a serial no column, and then ...


nikhilgalgate, You can NOT read a sequential file in reverse order using COBOL read statement. But that functionality is there in FileAid.

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