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How To See A Torrent Tracker File : Useful Links


The seeds: the seeds already have all the files fully available and are no longer downloading. The main task of the seed is to upload to the peers.


There are two problems: The hash you send is not the info_hash . You have somehow, from the meta data in the .torrent file, instead got the ...


The "tracker" server keeps track of where file copies reside on peer machines, which ones are available at time of the client request, and ...


Not all torrents send you a peer list for scrape requests, in fact what I found is that barely any of the big ones do. You need to send them a ...


My question is: does the tracker also pass packets of the file or do I just connect directly to the computer(s) hosting it? I can seed at 3/4mbs speed but I have no ...


I have always wondered how to relink a .torrent tracker file with the original file or directory it downloaded.Sometimes files get moved around ...


The tracker does NOT relay data between peers. The tracker CANNOT see what pieces of the torrent each peer has. The tracker CANNOT see the .torrent file (or ...


I am interested in rendering a torrent file into a readable form (to see what files does it reference, what tracker information does it contain etc.). What a tool can I ...


It doesn't boost your share ratio when no one is downloading your file. When looking for the files on the list of torrents, look for the Leecher ...


The tracker(s) are used to get contact-info to other peers (users) that is active on a torrent. A tracker can only give you info about peers that is ...

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