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How To Track A File In Linux : Useful Links


Try doing this as a starter : lsof -p . this command will list all opened files, fd , sockets... For your special needs, see what I can offer as a ...


Read Also: How to Manage System Logs (Configure, Rotate and Import Into Database) in Linux. The tail -F will keep track if new log file being ...


How can I use audit to see who changed a file in Linux? The answer is to use 2.6 ... AIX UNIX: File auditing to track reads and writes changes.


The first utility to provide insights in active syscalls, is the strace utility. By tracking the right system call, we can see exactly what files are opened ...


You could either set up auditing or use DTrace. There are various examples how to use it to monitor file access on the interwebs, for example here.


tail --follow= will make tail track the named file by reopening it periodically to see if it has been replaced. --retry is another useful option if you want to tail a log file ...


Depending on your exact needs, you might want to look into inotify and/or FAM/ GAMIN solutions.


What tools do you recommend to track changes of configuration files, package installs and so on? I am thinking something like etckeeper may be near to what I  ...


Simplest way: find . The easiest method (easiest meaning, no extra tools to install , easy to type in) would be to save a list of all files before and ...


How to configure auditd to find how a file was modified in Red Hat Enterprise Linux? What tool can audit files at a directory level? How do I ...

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