will place the new Firefly Firmata in your sketchbook folder and install the new
With Esquissons you will be able to declare sources, import sound files, and hear it inside the geometry you designed. The software interaction between sound ...
Thanks to David's help, I was able to track down the problem and a new
Gil Akos Mode Lab http://modelab.is/ Ronnie Parsons Mode Lab http://modelab.is / A
oh yeah, it will be great to implement some face/hand recognision components...)
The driving motivation of this wider context is a certain institutionalised yearning for recognition (let's call it Akzeptanzsucht as there is a rich ...
On the webpage of CLF (http://clfgroup.org/) it is stated that Pachyderm supports CLF files.
solar tracker was used in a pilot project that is located in Sarawak, Malaysia,
Keywords: shell structures, persian vaults, robotic construction, tool-path
'Art and Design' as one of the joint conference topics is new on the eCAADe list,