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In Which Division Are Civil Harassment Orders Filed : Useful Links


A Domestic Violence Restraining Order is filed in the Family Court and applies to ... Temporary Restraining Orders may be obtained at the Family Court Division ...


What is a Civil Harassment Restraining Order? What forms do I need? After I have completed the forms, what do I do? Is there a filing fee? Where do I file my ...


... petitions seeking civil harassment restraining orders are also processed by the Civil Division. The petitioner is the filing party; the party answering the petition ...


For more information regarding restraining orders see the Restraining Order Division page. Small Claims cases are filed and heard only at the Watsonville ...


Final check-in at the Civil Division Clerk's Office is 3:30 p.m. If you fear the threat of immediate danger at ...


Assistance Completing Civil Harassment Restraining Order Forms; Civil Harassment Form Packets; Filing Fee; When will I get my order? How to get the other ...


To get a Civil Harassment Restraining Order, you must fill out the correct forms. You can get them from: The Clerk's Office; Alameda County Law Library in Oakland ...


Appeals and Appellate Division, 8303 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA ... Adoptions/Freedom From Custody; Civil Harassment Restraining Orders ...


of filling out the paperwork and filing a civil harassment restraining order.


You can download the forms that you will need to file for your restraining order. http://www.courts.ca.gov/forms.htm; Civil Harassment Restraining Order is ...

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