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Judgment Order Decree Filed : Useful Links


Following are the definitions and codes for case completion categories. 8.A. JUDGMENT/ORDER/DECREE FILED (JODF). Case completion due to the filing of ...


(2) By a new trial granted in proceedings against defendants constructively summoned, and who did not appear, upon a motion filed within two years after the filing ...


A. JUDGMENT/ORDER/DECREE FILED (JODF). Case completion due to the filing of final dispositive documents by parties or their representatives (e.g., order of ...


security by either depositing in the clerk's office a sum of money or filing in the ...


FILING AN APPEAL OF A BANKRUPTCY COURT ORDER,. JUDGMENT OR DECREE. Effective December 1, 2014, Part VIII of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy ...


A notice of appeal filed after the bankruptcy court announces a decision or order —but before entry of the judgment, order, or decree—is treated ...


... court may direct, file with the court a proposed order, judgment, or decree


(3) The entry of a judgment, decree, or final order occurs when the clerk of the court places the file stamp and date upon the judgment, decree, or final order. For  ...


2. The judgments of confirmation of the orders, judgments and decrees of the Probate Commissioner are recorded in the probate file number assigned to the ...

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