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Lightroom Order Images In File Name : Useful Links


Choose one of the sorting option from the pop-up menu - Capture Date, Import Date, Modified Date, File Name, or ...


This saved me hours of sorting 900+ images, thank you thank you thank you. Have a virtual cupcake!


After importing the images has finished, the sort order has been "Added Order". So, every time, I need to select "File Name" so the photos are ...


In fact, its not even called export anymore – just “Save to”. I've customized the order in lightroom and dont want to do it again (as my photo filenames are in the  ...


Every once in a while, Lightroom gives me an issue importing images from my Nikon cameras. It'll import the images out of “filename” order and ...


Using this at the start of the name puts all the photos in a dated chronological order when when sorting by name. File naming in lightroom 9. The 2nd part of ...


BTW, if you want to change the file names of just a few photos (e.g. to change the order they appear in a file name sort) a quick way is as follows- ...


Click Filename and Lightroom will place the filename on the image.


14. I am renaming images in Adobe Lightroom sequencing them as such (using fake filename prefix here of course, but the point is the prefix is ...

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