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Linux Find Files In Alphabetical Order : Useful Links


How can this be fixed? I'd like to have them ordered before they are hashed so they are hashed in alphabetical order (this has a reason).


find to traverse the file hierarchies in lexicographical order, i.e., alphabetical order ...


find 's directory listing order is given by the order of the entries stored in the filesystem. You could consider writing a bash script that goes into ...


The trailing slash asks bash to only return directories, letting find find the files. Alternatively, if you have a list of years as subdirectories, you could ...


Linux/GNU has put pretty much everything you need into the current find ...


ls is one of the basic commands that any Linux user should know.


If you have the GNU version of find, try this: find test -type f -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F '\0' '{print $3}'. To use these file names ...


Thus we have to increase each consecutive file's modify-time by 1 sec. #!/bin/sh start=`date` i=0 find | sort | while read file; do touch -d ...


The -print0 option in find uses a null character as field separators (to properly handle filenames with spaces, as is common with MP3 files), ...

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