In order to begin tracking a new file, you use the command git add .
Make sure first those new files are not ignored: cd /path/to/cloned/repo git check- ignore -v -- a/new/file. If not, then a git status should list them, ...
I can make changes to a file in VS Code and Git will track those changes (even though they are not immediately staged, I can stage them easily ...
If git status still shows "new file" and not "renamed" you need to follow Hank Gay's advice and do the move and modify in two separate commits.
you can specify which files to track using git lfs track .
Now, when I type "git status", there's no mention of a new untracked directory, and it's not in the list of staged files. If I were to create a text file ...
over your external dependencies, it can make sense to use git submodules.
What if you create or change several files? With a
Create a directory to contain the project.
After creating the new file, you can use the git status command to see which files ...