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Multi Track Cue Files Not Working Retroarch : Useful Links


If you have multiple bin's load the master cue sheet. Load them with Notepad++ and the cue sheet that has all of the tracks or shows all the ...


Please add support for loading multi-bin / .cue files that are


That cue sheet should be referencing all of those bin files. What PSX core are you using in RetroArch? I've had no issues with multi-track games such as Tomb  ...


on loading savestate' option in RetroArch's Saving settings to On to prevent this.


to get cue files to work across different directories will all games, but IMO it's not ...


uses multiple .bin files (tracks) per disk, you will have to mount the cue sheet to a ... Here someone uploaded the latest working PCSX Rearmed core for Android.


a a multi-track cue/bin file in a single cue/bin files, it works perfectly in the same way.

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