Vertices are stored in a counter-clockwise order by default, making explicit declaration of face normals unnecessary.
The obj-file contains 8 vertices which represent the corners of a cuboid-like shape. For each of the vertices I calculate a vertex normal (which I ...
You should be reordering the data in a .obj on load anyway to convert the data to use a single index. It's a pretty bad format for modern day graphics. In your ...
If the vertex ordering is clockwise, both will point away from the viewer.
The vertex normal command specifies a normal vector. A lot of times these aren't used, because the 'f' face command will use the order the 'v' commands are ...
That is, mesh.vertices[0] is not the first vertex in the original mesh file. the
I load an .obj file with 473 vertices and a corresponding number of normals and texture coordinates. The resulting model loads and is displayed correctly ...
Faces, the lines starting with f, are defined by the indices of the vertices they connect in some consistent order. Several faces can share the same vertex. Obj files ...
When importing an OBJ it's useful to split up the objects into Blender objects, named according to the OBJ-file. However, this splitting looses the vertex order which ...
There is an option for Keep Vertex Order in the .obj importer. Use that and you should be fine. enter image description here.