Unfortunatly, right now, it is not possible to order them by dragging, but there is a trick. You can control the order by adding one or more spaces ...
Understand GIST file list order. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
I have a bunch of pages in a folder named like so: 1.md, 2.md... 1000.md. They seem to be sorting alphabetically as opposed to numerically.
I pushed stuff today and the files I added today are showing up at the bottom of my list on Github. How do I order files on github by "date modified" or "date ...
Q: How do I sort the repository listing in a GitHub organization by alphabetical order? I can see all kinds of sort options but the one that I need.
Two common ways to document a project are README files and wikis:
There are several configuration ( config/dataset_name.yaml ) files one for each ...
src . Motivation. Assume you want to concatenate the following files in the given order (with gulp-concat ):.
If i just pass mainBowerFiles result, which ordered based on dependencies for each module, into gulp's stream, then all files will be reordered ...
This may help: https://github.com/domchen/typescript-plus . The typescript-plus compiler is an enhanced version of the original typescript ...