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Order Sql Text File : Useful Links


I'm importing comma-delimited text files into a SQL table. The data imports in a seemingly random order. One time I import and the lines appear ...


mysql ignores Unicode byte order mark (BOM) characters at the beginning of input files.


In this blog post we are going to show you how to use SQL Server


What are you currently using to import the CSV into SAS? Your best bet is to use the File->Import Data Wizard. When you do this it will generate ...


I have a daily file that I need to consume that has 10,000,000+ rows; it is a human readable report. The reason it needs to stay in order is there ...


In order to better understand the solution, let's consider the following scenario: Every day you run a process that imports a large set of text files ...


I receive pipe-delimited text files that I want to query using SQL SMS 2005. The problem is that the columns from the text file are returned in ...


Since plain text file has no intelligence, we need some sort of a querying engine that can processes SQL queries and return desired results. The obvious choice ...

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