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Print File In Reverse Order C++ : Useful Links


Perl's IO is very close to C, and the code is well commented. The basic algorithm is to read and buffer blocks, and find lines within that block, but ...


Given a text file in a directory, the task is to print the file content backward i.e., the last line should get printed first, 2nd last line should be printed ...


EDIT: Only awk solution awk '{ for(i=1; i<=NF/2; ++i){ temp=$i; $i=$(NF-i+1); $(NF- i+1)=temp } a[c++]=$0 }END{--c; for(;c>=0;c--){print a[c]}}' file.


C program to print contents in reverse order of a file (just like TAC command in Linux). This program will print the contents of given file name in reverse order. Just ...


Print Current File's Content in Reverse Order. If you want to print the content of current file (to which you are writting the current program say codescracker.c), then ...


Number of characters to be copied 203 **File copied successfully in reverse order** $ cat test_new ...


Python. For those who like alternative solutions, here's python: $ python -c " import sys;print '\n'.join ...


C Program to create text file & print content of file in reverse order. Online C Files I/O programs for computer science and information technology students ...

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