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Re Arrange File Order In Matlab : Useful Links


and get the second output of sort, ind; finally use ind to re-order your filenames.


How to rearrange a matrix in a preferred order . Learn more about matrix manipulation, sort.


All the files are in the same directory indeed and there is no other .mat file in the directory. Each file contained: 2 velocities matrices (U and V) and ...


regexp and string rearrange in text file. Learn more about regexp, strcat, fopen MATLAB.


I've created a table from a large csv file using the readtable function. I want to reorder the variables / columns in this table. For example. My table's name is ...


In reading the MATLAB documentation, I understand the dir function sorts strings in ... But is it possible to sort these filenames (in numerical order) using existing text  ...


My code gets the name's file in the order 1, 10, 100, etc... and I need it in order 1,2,3,4...


... x 6 columns) and would like to rearrange it? I looked at sort function but I didn't make no progress. I used sort function via toolstrip in MATLAB ...

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