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Reduce Mov File Size Without Losing Video Track : Useful Links


Want to export smaller video files without losing the quality? This simple trick can reduce up to 80% of the file size when exporting .mp4 files. There's nothing ...


initWithURL:inputURL options:nil]; AVAssetTrack *videoTrack = [[videoAsset ... export options to produce QuickTime .mov files with video size appropriate to


Check if there are more than one audio tracks. You just need one. If it's a movie file, look for the "English" audio (or whichever language you want) ...


inside the video frames to help with packet loss recovery when streaming.


encodes video files for many uses, including a proxy workflow in Final Cut Pro.


To reduce GIF file size, you can use to resize option to set the resolution.


Losseless – no loss in quality from the original file. Even if there is a loss of


But how do you easily compress a video, and reduce the size of the file? We'll take a look at five ways to make your video file smaller, both from ...

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