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Restraining Order Filed Firearms : Useful Links


"Firearms restraining order" means an order issued by the court, prohibiting and enjoining a named person from having in his or her custody or control, ...


What is a Firearms Restraining Order (FRO)?. A FRO is a court order that says that a person cannot have a gun because they pose a threat of ...


A Firearms Emergency Protective Order is issued by a judge at the request of a law enforcement officer ...


An emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order can be requested by a police officer and can be made right away against anyone who is a threat ...


What Is a Firearms Restraining Order? On January 1, 2019, the Firearms Restraining Order Act went into effect. This allows family members, “intimate partners”, ...


A Gun Violence Restraining Order is a court order that prohibits someone from having a gun, ammunition or magazines (ammunition storage ...


The Firearm Restraining Order is a law that allows family members, household members, and law enforcement to work with courts to temporarily remove guns ...


The Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Oder (Form GV-130 PDF file type icon ) will last 1 to 5 years. To see ...


Existing law requires the person to file the receipt with the court that issued the gun violence restraining order to show that all firearms and ammunition have ...


To request an emergency order or a six-month order, you must file an affidavit or verified pleading that: claims that the respondent poses a ...

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