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Rsync File Order : Useful Links


I am looking for a way to control the order in which files (or more specifically, certain subtrees) are updated for a very large rsync update done.


cat filelist.txt | xargs -n1 -I{} rsync --progress "/path-from/{}" "/path-to/{}". This should pass each file to rsync via xargs one line at a time. You can ...


At first it looked like rsync transfers files in alphabetical order, but later I found rsync skipped some files in the first sweep through the alphabetic order, and then  ...


Rsync actually does do a depth-first traversal, but it does so in two passes. In the first pass, it creates the directory structure, and then the second pass copies the ...


Try rsync -ing the individual directories to their respective target locations on the remote host, using a shell loop: for x in */*/*; do rsync  ...


rsync always sorts its source files, as that makes it much easier to compare the file list on the destination to find files that have been removed, ...


In order to connect to an rsync daemon, the remote system needs to have a daemon already ...


txt : First of all, note that the ordering of the filter rules is very important, since rsync evaluates them in order and applies the first rule ...


Filesystems don't guarantee that files will be written into the directory in order of writing. Additionally, rsync first transfers to a temp file and ...

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