SABnzbd it was really just loading the already-running instance which had loaded an ini already.
RSS feeds are now listed in alphabetic order - Remove double header in email (some email
FEATURE: You can now view SABnzbd and NZBGet's server info,
If you have items in your queue from the older version of SABnzbd, you can either re-import the nzb files if you kept an
I moved the file one line up within the NZB file (I confirm it was the last file listed). ... Maybe SAB sorts the file list alphabetically.
Sort script drop-down list alphabetically.
Sep 08, 2014 ยท This is how to install Sabnzbd on Windows 7, 8 or 8. you can try this
can see if any of the software sabnzbd runs does it under sabnzbd/win folder.
Sort script drop-down list alphabetically.
The two top programs in the Usenet world are NZBGet and SABnzbd.