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Scared To File Restraining Order : Useful Links


I'm afraid the abuser may want to seek out revenge if I file a legal action ...


Domestic violence survivors often endure years of abuse before filing for restraining orders.


Dee and Ezaldein's sister, Nagah, made allegations where they both sought protective orders against the other in domestic violence court. On ...


Civil Harassment Restraining Orders · A person has abused (or threatened to abuse), sexually assaulted, stalked, or seriously harassed you, and · You are scared ...


Recently, I had a panic attack after a fight and my friend talked to me about leaving him, but I'm scared of what his reaction would be. My friend ...


If you are being abused in any of these ways or you feel afraid or


How do I file for an Order of Protection? Step 1: Getting an Ex Parte Order. The first step is to get a short-term Order of. Protection. It lasts until the Judge can hold  ...

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