Hey folks! I've been playing Skyrim LE for some time without any real issues. Recently however, I've been having some real problems doing ...
Is there a specific load order for the Skyrim DLC to make it work right? It only loads the first 2 DLC in the data file list, if Hearthfire is 2nd it stops at
Number two there is no load order arrow like Skyrim has.
The main load order file is: \users[username]\AppData\local\Skyrim\plugins.txt. the secondary list of all ESPs in the folder, including ones that are NOT activated ...
LOOT (which is short for Load Order Optimisation Tool) is a load order
overwrite contents, delete the \%LocalAppData%\Skyrim folder, then verify the
Backup your game's Data folder (eg. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data for Skyrim) by copying (not moving) all the files and folders ...
Bethesda (XB1): https:// bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4081192
The only things that show up are for me in the skyrim launcher data files are:
Once it is installed, you can manage the load order in the "Plugins" tab, where you can