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Someone Filed A False Restraining Order Against Me : Useful Links


My ex-girlfriend filed two false police reports and an order of protection against me. She accused me of vandalism, stalking, and harassment.


She got a Temporary Restraining Order against me and I have a Final Restraining Order hearing in 10 days. This never happened and I believe it is because I filed ...


instances of false imprisonment in which a person is kept somewhere against his ... When someone secures a protection order due to false accusations, there are  ...


(A) A person who knowingly or wilfully makes, presents, files, or attempts to file a false, fictitious, or fraudulent foreign protection order is guilty of ...


“This means you can be served with a protection order without even knowing charges had been filed in the first


What happens if you violate the protective order? Yes, even if your spouse lied his/her way into getting a protective order against you, there is ...


be able to help you respond to the restraining order or refer you to someone who can.


But sometimes abusive people are able to get protective orders against the people they abused. If you try to get a restraining order and the person who abused ...


You can stay far away from them as is their wish. What difference that the filed a protection order “falsely” or with reason if you are not wanted in their lives? Leave  ...

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