Medieval CUE Splitter (PC) will split a single wav directly to wavs. I am not sure how good it is at embedding other data as I only use it for splitting.
Medieval CUE Splitter (PC) will split a single wav directly to wavs. I am not sure how good it is at embedding other data as I only use it for splitting.
He does not want to actually split his image+cue into separate track files.
Convert a single-file album image with CUE sheet to a file-per-track album
CUE file? filename.CUE should be in same folder as the flac image filename.flac
CUE Splitter is a freeware tool that splits a single big audio file,
the individual split files (as MC displays them, not the full, uncut single flac file) and
How to split a long 5.1 wav with cue sheet into separate tracks?
You can use Ape Ripper to extract audio tracks from Ape image with cue file, Ape ... I use iDealshare VideoGo to split cue based ape, flac, mp3, wav, wma etc.
Or maybe BIN and CUE files from CD-ROMs. Audio images are similar to BIN and CUE files but much simpler. The main thing to understand is that a single file can ...
How to convert CD in FLAC + CUE into individual tracks? Thread: How