Under the civil injunction program, the Division sues preparers and promoters seeking a court order, called an injunction, that bars a person or business from engaging in specified
Walter, Michael Anthony, aka Walter, Michael Anthony, Sr. A171482 State v. Wright
assist in order to transfer the vulnerable adult.
law enforcement functions of the Metropolitan Police Department, such as
The Clerk of the Court is directed to transmit a certified copy of this Order to the
32548-2 - State of Washington v George Walter Lewis Hearing Date ...
1:30 PM, Restraining Order W/CHLD - P, Family Law Annex Courtroom 1, George, Todd Nygaard
CRAWFORD. GEORGE W 94 CRAWFORD. DEBRA A. 03/23/2010 08/23/2011 HB-ORDER TO WIT OPEN. SU-2010-DM-001142 10238188.
to throw the protective cloak of the law and justice around such a one.