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Track Addict File Location : Useful Links


Navigate to the "Android/data/com.hptuners.trackaddict/files" folder. Devices that have an SD card may offer two different, but similar-looking, storage areas or ...


The session data and video files will be stored in Android/data/com.hptuners. trackaddict/files, and should be accessible when connected via USB ...


... Card storage, your session files will be accessible from file manager and other apps, and via USB, in the Android/data/com.hptuners.trackaddict/files/ directory


Scroll down to the "File Sharing" section, then click on TrackAddict; Select the " Log-" files you want, and drag&drop them into a folder them to your computer; The .


GPS Lap Timing + Datalogging + Video. Turn your smartphone into a powerful motorsports telemetry and video system. See your lap times instantly, capture ...


Files will be placed into the "RaceRender 3" folder under your "My ...


How to Tansfer video Files to PC. Hello, I tried to use copy & paste for the entire trackaddict folder from my android tablet to the PC desktop, but ...


I collect data during DE/AX with TrackAddict (and 10hz GPS and ODB BT).


If you prefer, you can also download a file manager app here so you can easily find files on your Android device. Once you have located the TrackAddict Pro.apk  ...

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