Diffusion MRI (DTI), calculates FA, ADC, Vector Field, and will track and visualize ... /fileexchange/21130-dti-and-fiber-tracking), MATLAB Central File Exchange.
dtifit - Fitting of diffusion tensors on eddy-corrected data (~1 minute)
TrackVis is a software tool that can visualize and analyze fiber track data from diffusion MR imaging (DTI/DSI/HARDI/Q-Ball) tractography. Copyright ...
0th brick contains the number of tracts per voxel which passed through at least one
2) when the track reaches the maximum number of propagation steps; 3) when the track turns
Conclusion: In our case series fMRI and DTI could track the
For example, this is the case for DTI algorithms that solely consider the
In any case, these results are obtained converting the .tck file into .trk file and opening it with
Other options include "fa" (if DTI reconstruction is used), "qa", "adc" (if DTI reconstruction is used).
Furthermore, the number of visualized fibers for each performed DTI