Try this: Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() { var playCounter = 0; function onFinished(){ playCounter++; Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.
If you don't like playing around with javascript and want far more tracking you can use the ...
I have audio files (.mp3 and .wav format) saved on my server. They're normally supposed to be played through a webpage and I can track how ...
Tracking File Downloads With Google Analytics and WordPress
Yes, the play event fires on the
... course and see how many users have viewed the video or audio file.
standards. MIDI data files are much smaller than corresponding recorded audio files.
If a file is an older or third-party media format, QuickTime Player may convert it before playing.
isn't a “Player” library (see question below “ What's the difference between Kontakt and Kontakt Player?”)
Adding a single audio file or music track to any WordPress post or page is very easy.