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Under No Contact Order Can I File Lawsuit : Useful Links


In general, civil harassment is abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, sexual assault, or serious harassment by someone you have not dated and do not have a close ...


(a) An action is commenced under this Chapter by filing a verified complaint for a ... In determining whether or not to issue a civil no-contact order, the court shall ...


(c) If a no-contact order is issued or extended, the court may also include in the conditions of release a requirement that the defendant submit to electronic ...


Municipal Court (BMC), or District Court to provide the required information to file:


A restraining order can be ordered by a court for many different types of situations and ...


Jefferson District Court can enter what is called a "No Contact Order.


Is there a Fee to Apply for or to Serve the HRO? There is a filing fee to start a harassment case, but the fee may be waived under the law depending on the facts ...


To get “permanent” custody and parenting time orders, you need to a file a


Services. eCourts. Citation Tickets Court Collections Guide & File

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