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Using Google Analytics To Track File Downloads : Useful Links


If you have GTM on your website, all you need to do to track your downloads is create an event trigger. The trigger will record an event in Google ...


To view file downloads, log in to your Google Analytics account and select the website where you'd like to track file downloads. If you've enabled downloads ...


Out of the box, Google Analytics doesn't support file downloads tracking automatically. That's because files can't request a tracking pixel, which is ...


By doing so, we'll get to know if users at least downloaded our PDF files and if they did, for how many times and from which page. This is not the ...


In the GA v5 (new version), you'll want to go to Reports > Content > Events > Top Events. You'll see your event category listed there and you drill ...


Clicks on links to downloadable files (e.g. PDF, AVI, WMV) can be measured as ... If you use Google Tag Manager to manage your Analytics tags, read Analytics ... With Events, you can measure interactions with elements embedded in your ...


The PDF should open in a separate tab. Below I'll show to track PDF downloads in Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager. How to create a ...


With the above in mind, in this article, we'll show you how to use events in Google Analytics to track file downloads. Getting Started. For the ...


Google Analytics doesn't automatically track downloads of PDFs, Word and Excel documents, videos, or other files from your website. The Google Analytics ...

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