A protective order is meant to protect you from someone who has
E. PROTECTION OF PRISONERS UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. ... federal government, which means that the guards who
who can file for an order;; what protection or relief a person can get from such an ... Usually, for a judge to order a jail or prison sentence, the abuser would have ...
order to help protect yourself from a violent act, you can contact a domestic and sexual ...
But if you are 16 or 17, you can file a petition on your own if it is against your
Even the most chronic or hardened inmates have basic rights that are protected ... The right to humane facilities and conditions; The right to be free from
be segregated against your will for more than 30 days and if you are in protective
... filed a federal lawsuit seeking a restraining order against the state of Arkansas ... access to cleaning supplies and showers; protective gear worn by guards;
You have a protective order out against you or the inmate; You are deemed a security risk by
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