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What Is An Order On Motion To Leave To File : Useful Links


[Proposed] Order Granting United States' Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Response. Case(s):. U.S. v. SBC Communications Inc. and AT&T, Corp.


(b) Where Motion Granted. If the court grants the motion, the moving party must file and serve the pleading within 14 days of the court's order granting the motion,  ...


Upon consideration of ACTel's Motion and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Leave to File Surreply, as well as the record herein, it is ...


The Court, in two standing orders, has granted leave of court to file under seal for the following documents: 1. plea agreement supplements;. 2. motions pursuant ...


On February 20, 2013, Craig Zucker filed a Request to Participate in the. Proceeding as Non-Party Participant and For Leave to File an Opposition to Complaint.


Docket No. 9315, Order Granting Motions For Leave to File Briefs Amici Curiae ( January 24,. 2006); In the Matter of Telebrands Corp., et al., ...


Complaint Counsel's Motion for an Order that Respondent Has


Opposition to motion for leave to file bill of complaint and motion for preliminary injunction, temporary restraining order, or stay from defendant Pennsylvania filed.


Sur-Replies were not contemplated by the Court or the parties when the applicable Schedule Order was entered, a Scheduling Order whereby ...

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